(Tiffin) Home Food Services in Haramayn - The Haramayn Guide

(Tiffin) Home Food Services in Haramayn

[Last Updated 16/02/2024]

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Families visiting the Haramayn, particularly those from the Asian diaspora, often face the challenge of finding clean, home-cooked food options. This choice may stem from specific dietary needs or personal preferences. Despite the diverse food establishments in the Haram area catering to global visitors, the availability of home-cooked meals presents a favorable alternative. Opting for home-cooked food can be a more convenient choice, allowing individuals to bypass long queues at restaurants, as these services often deliver directly to one's hotel.

We've curated a list of food services in Makkah and Madinah, detailing their offered cuisines and specifying whether the meat used is locally slaughtered (Watani). However, visitors are advised to conduct their own due diligence before placing orders. We explicitly state that we do not assume responsibility for food quality or any other issues; our role is solely to compile information for the convenience of visitors.



1. Hanif

Gujrati Cuisine

Local (Watani) Meat

056 914 4080


2. Ibrahim

Asian Cuisine

Local (Watani) Meat

056 810 9707



1. Umar

Asian Cuisine 

Local (Watani) Meat

058 057 7604


2. Nasser

Asian/ South African Cuisine

Local (Watani) Meat

050 851 5997


3. Anas

Indian Cuisine

Local (Watani) Meat

058 285 6460


4. Firdous

Gujrati/ Indian Cuisine

Local (Watani) Meat

056 776 5984

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