Fatwa Corner

Q&A'sCan I leave Muzdalifah before Fajr? - The Haramayn Guide

Can I leave Muzdalifah before Fajr?

Can I leave Muzdalifah before Fajr?

Q&A'sDeviating From Hajj Rituals and Their Penalties - The Haramayn Guide

Deviating From Hajj Rituals and Their Penalties

Legal Edict on Specific Hajj Ritual Deviations and Their Penalties

Q&A'sHajj from Madinah for Mutamatti’ - The Haramayn Guide

Hajj from Madinah for Mutamatti’

Questions regarding a persons Ihram for Hajj when he returns to Makkah from Madinah

Q&A'sQiraan or Tamattu’ in Hajj Badl? - The Haramayn Guide

Qiraan or Tamattu’ in Hajj Badl?

Can a person who is performing Hajj-e-Badl on behalf of someone else do Qiraan or Tamattu'?